Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas eve update

hey everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season right now. We just got home from iowa and had a really good time visiting my parents and brother and sister in law. I'm keeping this short for good reason tonight... I'm typing on my new iphone! All I can say is that I have the most amazing fiancé in the world - I love you Ashley! Anyway I'm still learning to type fast but so far so good. Been talking to Brian and Brett and we are all getting super excited for the race. Have a rocking christmas - i'll have a training update on wednesday.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hello world!

I'm back... back in the saddle again!!! Well I don't know how enthusiastic I should really make that but I wanted to post an update to be sure and let everyone know that although my blogging has been limited (as well as my running and training to be honest) over the past month or so I plan to get going strong again - hopefully daily - following Christmas which I'll be out of town for. I'm DEFINETELY going to be running the big race in just a couple months know and although I have lots of work to do am very excited and can't wait for race day!

It is HARD to eat good during this time of year. I think that is still my biggest struggle but I've been improving a bit and not eating such big meals all the time. I've been doing a fairly good job of eating little snacks throughout the day at work which are healthy like apples, etc. Also eating some better lunches like soup and fruit, salad, and the like - BUT there is LOTS OF ROOM for improvement.

As for the running, I made it to the Y a couple times this past week and hit the treadmill for a few miles each time. Unfortunately my trusty ipod is MIA currently which is seriously bumming me out. Not only do I not get to listen to my favorite podcasts in the car but I can't track my runs to post on here or to the nike plus site either. I'm fairly sure it will turn up in my car, under my dirty clothes, or on my desk buried somewhere - but so far not luck :( The new ones are darn cool but I really don't wanna spend $200 for something I already have that works great. I'll find it!

Anyway, the runs went well but it definetely is taking a bit to get back into the swing of things after taking several weeks off from really any kind of training. One day turns into two, turns into a week, turns into a month sooo easily. It's just so easy to not get up and go - but when I think about the alternative: continuing to live a not as healthy as possible life AND not being able to complete the race in St. John, it helps to get me going. The YMCA schedule seems to mesh well w/ work so I think I'll continue to go on my lunch break everday and then try to get a few outside runs in each week as well.

Some other exciting stuff going on here lately which I'll try to recap in an upcoming post. OH also an update on the race tshirt I've been helping Peter (race director) with. He has done a terrific job explaining his ideas and meshing them w/ some designs that he had come up w/ and that I had forwarded to him to a designer at the shirt company. They are doing what looks to be a fantastic job helping him get exactly what he wants for the shirt, something I unfortunately didn't have the time, tools, or expertise to provide as readily. Ashley gave me a hard time saying I just should have worked harder and longer or something, BUT, I think if Peter goes with what he is thinking it should turn out really cool and I'll be very proud to wear it, even if I'm not the one that designed or came up with the design for it. Also just wanted to thank Peter for his continued support and words, even when I haven't been great about updating the old blog!!

Stay tuned over the holidays for posts to come. Be safe, happy, and healthy this Christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2007

My brother won't let me get by w/o an update!

Well sorry to say it's going to be short and sweet tonight, but I promised my brother Ben I'd update the blog last night when I called to ask if he'd be the best man in our upcoming wedding. Happily he obliged but asked when I told him I needed his address as I was updating my list, he said "you better update something else as well!!"

Alas, I can't report on a run today as meetings unexpectedly took up my lunch hour and upon arriving home I had to start in on another project I've become heavily involved in (update on this and wedding plans to come). I've been working on this and a few things w/ Ashley as she wants to get everything buttoned down for the "big day" as soon as possible, which is something I would never do and one of the reasons I love her.

I do have a few 8 tuff miles bits of news to share. I'm official!! Peter emailed to let me know that he was assigning the bib numbers and I am #508. PERFECT. 8 is my "favorite" number and was always my hockey number as a kid. Also, I'm continuing to work up some ideas for this year's race t-shirt with Peter. I think we are on to a cool new idea but we'll have to see how things end up. It's been fun coming up with ways to lay things out. I'm not sure what he'll ultimately end up using but it will be cool if some of my design ideas make it onto the shirt or at least into the design. Either way - its fun! For those of you visiting from you are probably like "what the heck is this kid thinking - looks like he never even runs or writes about it!" I assure you I'll be getting back on track this week as I am finishing up w/ 3 major projects that have been keeping me ridiculously busy and/or so tired I've not been updating.

All right, i'm off to take the trash out, let the dogs out one last time, and then it's time to hit the hay. Stay tuned :)

P.S. - I've had some hilarious comments on here pushing me to keep running and writing. Thanks much (Spencer, Pop, Michelle, etc.) as your words truly are motivation!

Monday, December 3, 2007

UPDATE! - I'm alive...

AND ENGAGED! My apologies for the major lack of updates. In all honestly I have some major lapses in training to report on as well. BUT.. on the positive side I got engaged this weekend to my beautiful girlfriend Ashley. I am SO lucky - but all the planning, etc. and some other distractions have kept me away from blogging and unfortunately running as much as I should be (I know, excuses!). I'll write a full update on where I've been and what I've been up to for the last 3 weeks or so and promise to start the run updates up again this week. Don't give up on me and come back tomorrow!