Monday, December 10, 2007

My brother won't let me get by w/o an update!

Well sorry to say it's going to be short and sweet tonight, but I promised my brother Ben I'd update the blog last night when I called to ask if he'd be the best man in our upcoming wedding. Happily he obliged but asked when I told him I needed his address as I was updating my list, he said "you better update something else as well!!"

Alas, I can't report on a run today as meetings unexpectedly took up my lunch hour and upon arriving home I had to start in on another project I've become heavily involved in (update on this and wedding plans to come). I've been working on this and a few things w/ Ashley as she wants to get everything buttoned down for the "big day" as soon as possible, which is something I would never do and one of the reasons I love her.

I do have a few 8 tuff miles bits of news to share. I'm official!! Peter emailed to let me know that he was assigning the bib numbers and I am #508. PERFECT. 8 is my "favorite" number and was always my hockey number as a kid. Also, I'm continuing to work up some ideas for this year's race t-shirt with Peter. I think we are on to a cool new idea but we'll have to see how things end up. It's been fun coming up with ways to lay things out. I'm not sure what he'll ultimately end up using but it will be cool if some of my design ideas make it onto the shirt or at least into the design. Either way - its fun! For those of you visiting from you are probably like "what the heck is this kid thinking - looks like he never even runs or writes about it!" I assure you I'll be getting back on track this week as I am finishing up w/ 3 major projects that have been keeping me ridiculously busy and/or so tired I've not been updating.

All right, i'm off to take the trash out, let the dogs out one last time, and then it's time to hit the hay. Stay tuned :)

P.S. - I've had some hilarious comments on here pushing me to keep running and writing. Thanks much (Spencer, Pop, Michelle, etc.) as your words truly are motivation!


Anonymous said...

So another neat part about your race number is that 508 is going to be our wedding month and year! 5/2008!

I love you! Keep up the great work. I know you have been doing a lot lately but I wanted to let you know that I am very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad my son gave me this site. I only have to check it ever month or so to keep up. Congrats on the engagement and stay away from the Long Island ice teas, like the night before. Reminds me of a time in Canada and a large tab some hockey thugs had. Good Luck with the run and the marriage. Coach Schne