Thursday, January 31, 2008

St. John is looking mighty good tonight!

So it just took me an hour and a half to drive home - and I live 16 MILES FROM WORK!! A classic mid-winter midwestern blizzard is blowing through Chicagoland and it's making quite a mess of the roads. There was a ton of traffic too and it was pretty annoying driving so slow but at least I made it home safe and to my surprise all the dogs had made it w/o any accidents! Way to go dog bladders! I let Pim out off leash into the front yard and he made a mad dash for the cornfield, popped a squat, disappeared behind the house for about 30 seconds, and then sprinted like a bat out of hell to the front door almost knocking me over in his attempt to get out of the wind and snow as soon as possible. I try not to let him off leash to much as he has absolutely zero concern for his own safety and well-being, but I knew he couldn't last more than a minute out there tonight! According to NPR on the way home it'll be up to 7 inches tonight and a couple more tomorrow - even a chance work may not be open but I hope it is as I have some important stuff going on tomorrow.

Anyway, to report on the training. Last night I didn't want to (it was even colder and windy as well) but forced myself to make it over to the gym. Stretched like usual and started walking on the treadmill but as soon as I started jogging I knew I wasn't feeling it. My back hurt like crazy, and on top of that my left knee was hurting and almost feeling like it wanted to bend backwards (which hurt!) every time I landed. This is not good, I thought to myself. So I walked for a mile or so and then tried the running again - same thing, I couldn't even go a quarter mile just felt completely stiff and the knee was hurting. Not wanting things to get worse, I flipped on American Idol on the treadmill TV and walked for over an hour watching the entire show. Luckily walking didn't bother me, and I did some hills and kept a pretty steady pace. Better something than nothing I figure, right?? (sorry no ipod graph - I did record my workout but left my stuff in the car again) It ended up being just over five miles I think. Mostly walking, mind you...

Well today as I get to work the stairs were killer and my knee hurt - this sucks!!! I thought about running at lunch but decided to pass and will also take a break tonight. I know this is lazy, but I think it's a combination of laziness/recovery time as I'm really hoping this knee thing is not a big deal and will feel better by tomorrow. I will keep you posted.

So tonight it's just me and the dogs - maybe I'll start a fire or something in our gargantuan fireplace. I have plenty of other projects to keep me busy as well these days. OH, and I heard back from the library they have that book I talked about last time, "Red Helmet," in for me and on hold so I'll have to pick it up this weekend.

I can not WAIT for our trip - especially on a day like today. I'm gonna sign off tonight but stay tuned for updates tomorrow and through the weekend. I miss you Ashley!


Anonymous said...

Do not go gentle in that tough run,
Your will must compel you to the end of the race,
Even if it takes you half of the miserable day,
Run, run against the coming of the night.

Even diligent men, who trained all along at a steady pace,
And to merely finish would be a simple, foregone delight, they
Will not go gently into that eight mile race.

Spectators, waving as you go by, yearning to join the fight,
The sick, the old, the hopeless, who have no words to say,
But can only watch and be inspired by your fortitude,
Run, run to ease torment of their plight.

Reckless runners, who live too fast to care,
And never realize what they missed along the way,
Should have gone gently into that eight mile race.

Unprepared men, gasping for breath, who hallucinate fantastic sights,
See the person they once were, yearn to be, and can become again today,
Run, run without giving up their fight.

And you, T.J. Hicks, looking down from that grand height,
In the distance, through your filthy sweat, shimmers the Coral Bay,
And with it: hope, the finish line, and the start of a new way,
So do not go gentle into that tough run,
Run, run to beat the coming of the night.

Spencerusvi said...

Hey TJ:
Spencer down here in St. Thomas. I'm just heading out for a run thinking how lucky I am for the warm conditions I have to train in.

I have started a blog up but have some questions about layout and stuff that it looks like you have worked out. Can you email me......thanks


Anonymous said...


I emailed you - happy to help in any way I can.
