Sunday, February 17, 2008

A good solid workout

Headed over to the gym w/ Ashley in the early afternoon on this miserable gray rainy day. We each ended up having really good workouts. I'm proud of her, she is getting into the swing of working out and ran a 5K on the eliptical, did weights, and rode the bike for 10 miles - not bad! As for me, you can see my run data above (sorry haven't been posting these as much). Did a solid four miles of straight running at 9:13 a mile. Walked a little bit before to warm up and for quite a while after. Felt pretty good the entire time and probably could have kept going but didn't want to push it and exhaust myself as I want to get one more longer run in tomorrow night.

Watched the hockey movie "Youngblood" for the entire run and really enjoyed it. I had seen the end several times but never the beginning - it's cheesy but actually pretty funny. Guess I really should have tried to make it to play junior hockey. That kid experiences more in about 2 weeks at 17 than I did all through college, AND ends up w/ the young hottie at the end!

After that, we went to eat at a really good Mexican restaurant in Batavia called El Taco Grande. We had heard good things but it was my first time. It was very good but no El Rodeo! Then went to pick up some supplies for a project I'm working on for my fellow racers, and over to Dick's Sporting Goods to pick up some stuff.

Since then just been hanging out at home, doing laundry and watching TV in front of the fire. Got to talk to Boompa a bit earlier today and he seemed to be in good spirits so that is really good. I'm hoping he has a full recovery and is back to his old self in no time. We really hope my grandparents can all make it to our wedding but if not we'll try to get out to visit them all soon.

In 72 hours we'll be setting up our tent next to the beach at Cinnamon Bay on St. John!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.