Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday night update

First just want to take a quick minute to remind everyone to send their thoughts and prayers out to the community at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb. I was born in Dekalb, and have actually applied to go back to grad school at NIU (about 30 min from our house), so hearing the news about today's shooting was quite a shock. It's crazy to think these kinds of things can happen anytime, anywhere. Anyway, thinking about the victims and their families tonight and will be into the future.

Sorry I missed last night's update, although since I didn't run last night and worked instead on a website for our wedding and some other stuff - there wasn't much to report. There IS stuff to report from Tuesday night and today however. Tuesday night went to work out w/ Ashley right after work and had a really great run. I ran four straight miles on the treadmill at just over 9 minutes a mile. If I didn't have to go to the bathroom from about mile 2 on I think I could have done a couple more! The hockey game was on TV to watch so that always helps. Ashley says I'll be in trouble w/ no TV to watch as I run 8 Tuff Miles - but I figure with my ipod and all there is to see along the course, I'll be able to keep my brain busy w/o just focusing on the pain and suffering of it all.

Went to run today on my lunch break and had another good workout. Only 30 minutes but I set it to the hills program and ran almost the whole time (one 5 minute walk in the middle). The hills are definitely hard and I ran slower, only doing about 2.75 miles total. Still, I worked up a real good sweat and although I struggled, was able to keep running at the same pace on the steepest incline setting. To think the entire first 6 miles of the race will be like this!!! Well I only have about 3 or 4 more hard workouts to go before we are down there and just trying to stay loose before the race.

Both Brett and Brian seem to be getting really pumped about the trip. Brett says he can't concentrate on anything else and Brian called tonight. Also, Brian and his wife are apparently going to buy a house this weekend - so that is exciting!!

Tonight we headed out to go wedding ring shopping (really the only thing we did for Valentine's day other than give each other cards). This went OK - we aren't quite seeing the whole "ring" experience in the same way so we have some figuring out to do before the big day (will we buy each other's rings?, our own rings?, simple?, diamond band?, etc., etc.) Then went to Kohl's and Ashley got me a cool t-shirt for the trip that has palm trees on it. Then we went out to eat and I bought Ashley dinner while we met w/ our wedding photographer at Colonial restaurant by our house. She is VERY nice and we both like her a lot. She was very down to earth and very chatty - we think she'll do a great job and will be very comfortable to work with on our wedding day.

That's about it for right now - gonna run again tomorrow at lunch and hopefully both days this weekend. Meeting tomorrow night w/ Maria who will marry us, so I'm making lasagna for dinner. Only 5 DAYS UNTIL WE TAKE OFF FOR ST. JOHN!!!!

Pray for those Huskies tonight...

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