Sunday, November 18, 2007

Where's T.J.?

Just a quick note to say sorry for the lack up updates this past week. And honestly thanks to the folks who mentioned they hadn't seen an update and were wondering what happened. I'm still here, still plan to run the race, but had a busy otherwise and honestly lazy week when it came to working out. Check tomorrow night for a full HONEST report of my last 7 days and a report on tomorrow's workout.

And remember, if you ask me how the training is going and I try to give you some BS excuse why I haven't worked out just look me in the face and shout "RUN, T.J., RUN!!"


Anonymous said...

It's been TWO tomorrows now... :)

Anonymous said...

I swear ever since you told me about this blog you haven't written in it... hmmmm

Anonymous said...

It's been over a week now since we have heard from you. Instead of "Run, TJ, Run" it should be "Blog, TJ, Blog."

Spencerusvi said...

If your training is going as well as your blog updates you better stay in the bar.