Thursday, February 28, 2008

A day of mourning...

Just Kidding... But I am sitting here in my office reading though about 100 emails, looking at the snow and gray outside. So going from a white sand beach w/ the sun shining and enjoying the 80 degree afternoon temps is a bit difficult.

Anyway - I need to get back to work so am going to keep this short. But COME BACK soon. I anticipate doing a full trip report w/ pics, stories, everything hopefully by this weekend but definitely in the next week or so. AND.. I think I'm going to keep the blog going just writing about random stuff in my every day life.

I already miss the island - would I do the race again? I would have answered yes 5 seconds after I finished, the entire experience is amazing and I hope to do it again in the future. OK - check back soon for more!


JamYam said...

Ah, the joys of coming back to work...I'll have that feeling on Monday. Congrats again for finishing dude. See you in a couple of months.

Unknown said...

Good to have you back, TJ. Keep the blog entries coming--I subscribed your grandparents to your blog via email. Talk to you soon!

Uncle Dave