Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Just got back from tonight's run and I was really struggling. I dunno if it's cuz I really didn't do anything the last 2 days or if I wore myself out w/ the 5K or what. From the first step I knew I'd be struggling. My shins and lower back hurt really bad and I was going pretty darn slow. I had to stop and walk twice which I haven't done at all in my training runs up to this point. But at least I got out and did 2 miles.

Another thing I noticed was I think listening to music really helps me. Tonight I listened to a podcast that was all just spoken word and I just couldn't get into my run. The last 1/4 mile I switched over to music and it seemed to give me a little boost. I know this is all in my head but whatever works I'll go with. Anyway - not a good run tonight but it'll get better. Ashley went tonight too and took Pim w/ her to jog/walk which was good. Just as we left there were 2 deer in our front yard just standing there watching us about 20 yards away so that was pretty cool.

Foodwise today I just had Gatorade this morning and then got "Buffalo Calamari" for lunch in downtown Naperville which was really good but probably not great for me. We haven't had dinner yet so don't know what we'll do but I think I'll try and keep it pretty light.

Heard today that my grandpa is doing better down in N.C. so that is good news! I read a great article in the new issue of National Geographic Adventure Magazine today about sea kayaking in the Great Bear National Forest in British Columbia, Canada. It sounded awesome - maybe that will have to be our next adventure.

Well Ashley just got home w/ Pim and he just threw up! Uggghh so I gotta go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I'm going to want to leave this comment alot but you need to start eating lunch at the museum!! I think I've seen you in the lunch room like two times in the year and half I've been there! SAVE MONEY!!! EAT AT THE MUSEUM! bond with your coworkers!