Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Very Interesting Article

OK,OK.. I know I said I had to get started on some other stuff tonight in the post below but just as I was about to leave my blog page I noticed on the Google News thing that I have set to "Virgin Islands" (see below right - if you haven't noticed this thing changes everytime you visit my blog and has the most up to date V.I. news stories) a link to a GREAT article I read on St. John last night in Conde Naste Traveler. I have absolutely no idea why they are publishing this on their website already as we got the new issue in the mail yesterday. It'll take you a while to read, but it's worth it. Anyway, here is the link:

St. John Article

My only problem with the article. I was planning to write it!!! I'm not kidding, the author has a nice hook w/ the way the island is changing, but basically describes her two weeks on St. John and what life is like down there for both visitors and locals in relation to the inevitale "progress" that is taking place. She does a really nice job of describing the island's feel, and after being to most of the places she mentioned on my 2 short trips to St. John, I enjoyed reading her accurate descriptions. But seriously - I was going to write this article some day, if not in conjunction w/ the run then focusing on something else like the history of the national park and the best places to go.. but Nooooo she covered that too! Anyway, I can't complain too much - and it was nice to see the island that I somehow immediately recognized as St. John when I flipped open to the table of contents of this month's Conde Nast.

And I couldn't go to bed w/o finding out who that pleasant English woman living in my ipod is. Here's the answer:

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