Friday, October 26, 2007

Rest Day

Well didn't run today since we have the 5K in the morning. Also it was just a gray, rainy day and to be honest I didn't feel that great this morning and tried to make myself feel good but stopping in for the Pizza Hut Buffet at lunch but actually just at too much!!

Was hoping to go for a walk tonight but w/ the weather decided to go see a movie. We went to see "Dan in Real Life" which was a pretty good watch (good enough the audience clapped at the end which doesn't happen much). There were parts I liked and overall I'd recommend it but more as just a fun to watch escape, diversion - I won't really be thinking about it tomorrow or anything. Steve Carrell is great though and he definitely has the "everyman" type role down pretty good. I always liked him on the Daily Show but haven't ever got into the Office much. I think I'll start watching it more. And obviously 40 year old virgin is great if you haven't seen that.

Glad it's Friday!! I'm going to enjoy staying up a bit tonight until I fall asleep to something on the TV. Then get up for the race early tomorrow and come back for a nice long afternoon nap! Other than that this place is a pigsty lately (one drawback of having a really nice big house to live in - it's super hard to keep the whole place clean at once!), so I hope we can get some cleaning done this weekend. I also need to clean out my car and do a bunch of laundry. Just opened a nice Halloween card from Laura and James!!! We enjoyed getting it and miss you guys a lot. Then Pim and I had a play fight over the bright orange envelope it came from that ended up with the paper in shreds! I love that dog so much, and as it gets colder its extremely obvious he remembers being out in the cold and wet as a stray last winter. He HATES to go outside if it's at all rainy more than just sprinkles and the temperature is anywhere below like 60 unless he is right next to us. I still can't believe how skinny he was when we got him - he is one lucky dog and we are lucky to have him. All the other pets are doing good too, but Butrose (I have no idea how to spell her name) got an eye infection and we had to take her to the vet Wednesday. Should clear up though. They are all getting more cuddly as the house is getting colder. I never thought I'd want to share my house w/ 3 cats, 2 dogs, and a rat, but once you get used to it it's not too bad (seriously though - I don't recommend it unless you fall in love w/ a girl that works at an animal shelter like I did!)

All right, I'll post tomorrow on how the 5K went. Hopefully I can run the whole thing and I think Ashley's parents are coming to see us off so maybe they'll get some pictures. Wish me luck!

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