Sunday, October 28, 2007

First 5K Complete!

So yesterday morning I ran in the Batavia "Batfest" NAMI 5K Bat Run. Ashely hasn't been feeling too well and was pretty sick Friday night, so she did not end up walking in the event as she had hoped because she didn't feel well at all. She did come along though to see me off which was nice.

We arrived in downtown Batavia to find quite a few people milling around outside the main building along the riverwalk that holds a bunch of city offices. I made my way inside and got my running number, tshirt, and bag of other various stuff they give you. I went back outside to meet Ashley and it was pretty cold, especially when I took my fleece off to pin on my number. Ashley's mom and dad came by on their way to have breakfast and help Austin move to his new house in Batavia so that was really nice. Ashley's dad even ran up to take some pictures of me starting the race so I will post those when I see them. I don't know how many people where actually there for the race, but I'd say right around 100 which seemed like a pretty good turnout. They had us cross the bridge over the Fox River led by a bagpiper in full Scottish outfit which was cool. The bagpipe music seemed to blend perfectly with the cool, gray, fall day as we walked over the water. After everyone gathered on the opposite side of the bridge an organizer yelled out a few simple details and things to watch for and then they set us off!

I knew right away that it was important I stick to my own pace and not try to run any faster than usual at the begining of the race. My goal was to run the entire race w/o stopping to walk. I didn't look behind me too much but I'd say I was probably in the last 3rd of the pack for the entire time as far as runners went (you could just walk too if you wanted). I felt pretty good for the first mile and the only strange thing was a guy on a bike who was just out riding on the same path we were running on crashed directly in front of me after skidding out on some water. I stopped to help him up and he seemed extremely embarrased but ok. He was a pretty good guy and crashed pretty hard - but he could tell he was going down and had time to brace himself. I actually probably would have finished 15-20 seconds faster if I just kept running but I wanted to make sure he was ok.

One thing I noticed is that it's definetely nice to have other people running with you. I stayed pretty much w/ the same group the entire time and focused particularly on 2 women in front of me who seemed to be running at a pace which was just about right. There were a lot of kids running which was also fun. Some of them just ran right through the entire time and were probably some of the first to finish. Others tended to sprint or run quickly for about 100 yards, then walk for 50, etc. the whole time (the ones that kept passing me and then I'd pass). Overall, I think I did a fairly good job keeping up my own pace which the ipod seemed to be reinforcing when I clicked on it to get my current, pace, etc.

I pretty much knew the entire course but hadn't actually walked it before, just kind of driven along it. The course was completely on sidewalks and then for about 90% on bike paths along the Fox River which was really pretty as lots of the trees are still hanging onto to some of their fall colors. Right about the halfway point we crossed the river on a pedestrian bridge over to an island where they had a water station set up. Since I'm not used to drinking anything DURING my run I didn't know what to do! I decided I'd grab a cup but soon wondered if this was a good decision as I realized you pretty much have to throw it back like a shot if you don't want water all over you and your face. After taking a small sip, spilling most of it, and then finishing off the water I threw down my cup and felt pretty good. It was right around the 2 mile mark that I started straining a bit to keep up the same pace, but by concentrating on the runners in front of me I was able to keep going. When I hit 3 miles (they had timers at every mile mark) I realized I was running at an OK pace and also realized to my dismay that my Ipod is off significanlty (assuming the race organizers measured the 5K correctly, which I think is a pretty safe bet). Anyway, basically I discovered that all my runs up to this point aren't quite as long as I was thinking. Yes this sucks - but it's probably only about an 1/8 of a mile or something. How did I figure this out?? I had set my ipod for 5K so I'd get accurate updates on where I was at and halfway points, etc. Anyway, it told me I was done when I still had quite a little ways to go (probably 800 meters or more). Luckily I had not really been pacing myself at this point based on its audio feedback as I could pretty much see the finish line. The odd thing is it was right on in terms of the halfway point... So I don't know what to think - but I'm going ot take it out to one of the highschool tracks or the treadmill at the Y and calibrate it next week.

Anyway... I was defintetely feeling pretty tired towards the end, but once I turned the corner and could see the finish 3 blocks away (slightly downhill), I was able to turn it on and pretty much run at a 100% sprint for that small period and into the finish shoot. Even though I knew it was only a 5K, it felt really good! I could see my time as I finished: 30:58. This wasn't too bad at all I didn't think.

Ashley had gone over to meet her parents for breakfast and I guess meet up with Brent who had walked down to downtown from his house. They didn't make it back for the finish but were there shorty afterwards which was fun. We have gone to see Brent finish 2 races so it was nice he walked over w/ Ashley to say hi to me. I grabbed a half a bagel and some water inside but we didn't end up sticking around for the awards, etc. Although I think we should have because there was a raffle and stuff which I forgot about.

Anyway, Ashley had volunteered us to help out at the Batavia Mainstreet "Batfest" information booth starting at 10 a.m. so we went and sat in the car, listening to "Car Talk" before heading back to the tent to help out. It wasn't too bad but I was really cold at this point in only shorts (the temp had been perfect for the run, however). I ended up wandering over to the Mac Shack for a Bagel with Egg and Cheese and Bacon and some Hi-C. I read the paper while I ate and noticed two funny things:

1. In a small article on the 4th page (the Chicago Tribune), it was reveald that FEMA had set up a "phony" news conference w/ employees serving as reporters asking softball questions about the California fire situation. Apparently in an attempt to "get the word out as soon as possible". The White House ended up condemning this action... Weird - manufactured news (as much of it is).

2. This just cracked me up - in a story on the Britney Spears custody battle, the published courtroon drawings! How ridiculous is that. Everyone knows what Spears and ex Federline look like - and what in the world would happen at a custody battle that would deem in necesary to have a courtroom artist! blah!

Back to the tent where Ashley pointed out all of the cute kids in halloween costumes (there was some very good ones, Dumbo being my favorite), while I tried to stay warm and read a review of Ira Glass's new compilation of artiles/essays called "The New Kings of Nonfiction" which I definetely want to check out.

Came home after staying at the tent for a bit and pretty much spent the day lazing around watching TV in front of a warm fire and napping. OK - time to go to the dog park for a walk. I might go for a run later tonight and will report on it if I do so. There is another 5K next weekend in Wheaton, do you think I should sign up?

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