Monday, November 5, 2007

Where have a been?? Lazytown...

All right, no excuses. I've plain and simple been lazy, and I can't afford to continue or I'm never going to complete this race! Above is the run I did yesterday (Sunday) after taking 4 days off. Wednesday we went over to Austin and Melissa's house to help hand out candy and have dinner. Austin had hurt his back really bad and so we ended up staying over there until late helping them get all of their media room stuff set up in their new finished basement in their new house. Got home late and went to bed... To be completely honest I don't remember why I didn't run Thursday but I think I was just being a lazy-ass. Then Friday Ashley had girlfriends in from out of town who all went out for dinner. I ended up getting some pizza and watching movies to entertain myself -- I was in kinda a grumpy mood most of last week and I guess it was just my way of dealing with it.

Saturday I had planned to run in a 5K in Wheaton, but when I went to sign up on the website on Friday it was already full. I suppose I could have just gone and ran it w/o signing up but the pillow felt just too good Saturday morning and I had to work the rest of the day at the Museum. Still, coulda run when I got home but didn't. Anyway, got up Sunday and surfed the net a bit before talking to Uncle Gary who is down with Boompa and Granny helping out as Boompa recovers from his stroke. Uncle Gary asked how the running was going.. "umm - not that good!" He told me about how when he was studying down in St. Croix in the Virgin Islands while in school he had run in a big race that was put on each year with the students facing off against the faculty. It sounded cool and I'll have to ask him more about it, but mostly I think it got me motivated to go out for a run.

One of the reasons I decided to do this run is something I discussed w/ Brian on the first phone call I made to him w/ the idea. We were talking and he said something along the lines of "everyone always has these ideas, but rarely do they follow through." He was exactly right, and I think he knows me well enough to know that I don't always follow through on my plans, ideas, and goals as well as I probably could. The fact that I didn't work out at all for four days kind of reflects this about my personality, although in this case I have to keep going because 1. I really want to achieve this goal, and 2. We've already paid for everything!

I fully admit to having a problem setting goals for myself, probably largely rooted in my lack of self-confidence when it comes to certain things. It is an issue I have always dealt with and will probalby continue to do so but I'd like training for and completing this race to be a step in the right direction as far as goal-setting, achieving those goals, and improving my overall self-esteem. One this about my personality that I would like to change is that I don't always necessarily persevere with the going gets tough. In the past I've had great plans or ideas, but at the first sign of a challenge or having to put in some truly hard work, I'll move on to something else and often will just completely quit. I could have been damn good at hockey, something that I really loved and may have been able to go futher in, but I didn't want to put in the hard work - always just wanted to play, not practice. Well obviously I can't just go down to run this race w/o preparing - and even though playing on the beach for a week WILL be fun, it will be a whole lot more satisfying to complete the race alongside (or at least following!) Brian and Brett.

Anyway, enough of my own personal demons. Sunday's run was really good - stretched for a long time first at the recommendation of several folks and that seemed to help w/ some of the aches in my back especially. I took Pim with and we kept a pretty good pace the entire time w/ the exception of when he pulled out of his collar and I had to get it back onto him. I took a new route down to the St. Charles Library and back through our neighborhood and it was fun to see some new houses and streets I hadn't been by before. It was only just over 2 miles though so I need to start stretching my distance out a bit.

Oh and if all the other things aren't enough incentive to keep up on this running business and get into shape, something I heard Saturday definetely is. I was working at the Museum and talking to one of the girls that works behind the desk, Layla. I told her about my plan to run the race and about my blog and showed it to her on her computer. Her first comment "Why did you put that picture of you up? (The one that is on here currently) That was you when you were young and good looking." Ouch! That picture is only like 2 or 3 years old!! I don't think I'll go back to the goatee anytime soon but I certainly can take off some pounds. Ashley always says she loves me no matter what and actually thinks I look better than in some of the old pictures she has seen of me when I was quite a bit thinner - but I'm sure she'll be happy w/ me slim and trim too!!

Well it's cold and a popsicle out there.. but writing this has me motivated. I'm going to go for a run before bed - maybe short but at least it will be something. Looks like tomorrow I may start at the Y after work as this cold is getting to be a bit much!

1 comment:

Hicksiowa said...

T.J.: When you don't feel like running, just read the name of this blog.
love, pop